RPG Maker 2009 Color Theme Editor Ver. 1.6 =========================================== (C) 2010 by R.D. (C) ini4j by Ivan Szkiba http://ini4j.sourceforge.net/index.html RPG Maker 2009 Ultimate: (C) 2009 & 2010 by David "Cherry" Trapp cherry@cherrytree.at www.cherrytree.at thx to: FlareShard (English check) With this little Program you can make your own color themes (for the commands) for the RPG Maker 2009 Ultimate. HOW TO USE: ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ - open the "ColorThemeEditor.jar" - or start the "ColorThemeEditor.exe" - a new Ini well be created - select a command or subcommand (like addNewMessageLine) and chose the color with the sliders. - then double click, press STRG + A or press the button "Save to Command" to save the color in the ini file - to save the ini file itself press the button Save, Save As or press [Strg + S] - you can also save a color for later use to do that, just right click on one of the "Saved Colors" panels - to use them left click on them - everything else is quit self-explaining Fixes and Changes: ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ver: - fixed problem with creating a new file when the old file was saved - added preview panels on each button showing the color the commands has - added a preview text panel for simple text preview - switched the save/take color clicks (right click for save, left for picking) - added the option to set the preview text to some maker code - added the option to sort the command in the maker style - added a About window with links to CherryTree and the great ini4j - added a simple info bar for the commands - added the option to change the info entrys - fixed some problem with the about window - changed the space between the JSpinners - fixed issues with the preview for short informations about the commands - fixed the freeze when flushing all saved colors - now you can add a comment for a command. when staying on a command, the tooltip will show the comment - changed some intern style - added icons - added a temp info tab for information storage - the settings are now saved in the user folder in "CTE" - check if a valid ini was opened